The subject of this description was discovered by the Rev. Mr. Kingsley and John Lubbock, Esq., in a gravel-pit close to the engine-house at the Maidenhead Railway Station: the deposit appears to be that called “the lower-level drift.” The specimen was submitted to my inspection by Mr. Lubbock in July 1855, and proved to be the first example of the Buffalo-tribe ( Bubalus ) which had come under my observation from a British locality, and I most heartily welcomed so interesting an accession to the catalogue of British fossil mammals. The specimen consisted of the cranial part of the skull, from which one condyle of the occiput, and the tip of the left horn-core were broken away; but the characteristic very broad, depressed, approximated, rugged bases of the horns, covering the whole upper surface of the cranium save a narrow median channel, and a portion of the much extended telescopoid orbit at once showed the subgenus to which the fossil belonged.