Electron microscopic immunocytochemical evidence for the involvement of the convertases PC1 and PC2 in the processing of proinsulin in pancreatic beta-cells.

Endoproteolytic cleavage of pairs of basic amino acids is the key mechanism in the specific processing of precursor hormone molecules. Two endoproteases, PC1 (or PC3) and PC2, have recently been implicated in the conversion of proinsulin. Using antibodies against these proteases and proinsulin, followed by protein A-gold complex, we performed an immunocytochemical study for precise identification of the subcellular compartments involved in the processing of insulin. Both PC1 and PC2 immunoreactivities followed a pattern of gradually increasing density along the secretory pathway, being higher in the immature granules. Proinsulin labeling was detected in the Golgi apparatus and in the coated immature secretory granules located mainly in the Golgi area. Using double labeling, we demonstrated the presence of PC1 and/or PC2 in the majority of proinsulin-rich granules. In addition, we provided evidence that PC1 and PC2 are co-localized within the same granules. Co-expression of PC1 and PC2 with proinsulin in islet beta-cells indicates that these proteases are actively involved, probably in a sequential manner, in the conversion of proinsulin into insulin.