Knowledge of the pyramidal system is incomplete and confused because too much reliance has been placed on study of normal histologic material rather than on critical experimental methods. This is especially true of the rabbit. According to Linowiecki,1the pyramidal tract of the rabbit is located in the lateral funiculus of the spinal cord. His conclusion was based on work of Lenhossék,2Bechterew3and Münzer and Wiener4and was strengthened not by experiments but by his own study of normal material. Lenhossék's and Bechterew's sections stained with the Weigert method from normal new-born rabbits exhibited an area in the dorsal part of the lateral funiculus from which myelin was absent, and the authors assumed this area to be in the position of the corticospinal tract. Münzer and Wiener employed both normal histologic preparations and degenerating postoperative material stained by the Marchi technic. On the basis of