Electroexcitation of Giant Multipole Resonances inAu197andPb208between 5 and 40 MeV Excitation Energy with 90-MeV Electrons

Inelastic electron scattering with 90-MeV electrons shows previously observed giant resonances at excitation energies of 63A13 (E2), 81A13 (E1), 105A13 (E3), and 130A13 MeV (E2). Distorted-wave-Born-approximation analysis of additional structure at 53A13 and 195A13 MeV suggests a monopole assignment. Transverse contributions to the E1 matrix element are compatible with an electric spin-flip. Differing widths of the respective resonances in the two nuclei are explained through dynamic deformation of Au. The reduced electric transition strengths B(EL) are given.