Cytological characteristics of cultured epithelial cells from thymomas in BUF/Mna rats

Epithelial cells (ECs) from spontaneously developed thymomas in BUF/Mna rats were cultured, characterized and compared with ECs from normal thymuses. The ECs from thymomas had many more keratin filaments and PAS-positive vesicles in the cytoplasm than ECs from normal thymuses. The size and shape of ECs and their nuclei were heterogeneous and about 20% of ECs from thymomas had more than one nucleus. However, the growth rates and saturation densities of ECs from thymomas in monolayer culture were not markedly different from those of normal thymuses. The ECs from thymomas cultured in soft agar did not form any colonies. The distribution of the numbers of chromosomes found in ECs from thymomas was slightly broader than that in normal ECs, but no specific abnormalities nor marker chromosomes were noted. These findings indicate that ECs from thymomas are abnormal, but suggest that they are not malignant in nature.