Antiferromagnetic Resonance in Systems with Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya Coupling; Orientation Dependence inαFe2O3

Resonance conditions for an antiferromagnet whose sublattice magnetization vectors are canted by the Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interaction are generalized to include an arbitrary angle θ between the applied magnetic field and the hard direction of magnetization, and the resulting normal modes are discussed. A correction term to the low-frequency resonance expressions derived by Pincus may be appreciable at higher magnetic fields and small θ. For suitable parameters, this term permits the measurement of all pertinent effective fields by resonance experiments. It is furthermore shown that demagnetization effects are negligible. Microwave resonance experiments as a function of field (to 60 kG), angle, and frequency (12 to 35 Gc/sec) on synthetic single crystals of αFe2O3 failed to reveal a departure from the Pincus relation, thus leading to the conclusion that HAHE<102.