Stimulus conditions and retroactive inhibition.

The effect of the manipulation of the stimulus conditions on the recall and relearning of an originally learned list of nonsense syllables was investigated. A total of 133 subjects was randomly assigned to 16 different groups which involved 4 patterns of stimulus conditions (AAA, AAB, ABA, ABB) and their reversals during original learning, interpolated learning, and relearning and counterbalancing of the 2 lists. Results showed that the group that learned the interpolated list under conditions which differed from the conditions of original learning and relearning (SDS) was superior to the 3 other groups in terms of recall and relearning measures. The group that learned under conditions which differed from the conditions of original and interpolated learning (SSD) was inferior to the 3 other groups on both measures. The 2 other groups did not differ significantly from each other. Learning the interpolated list was not significantly affected by the similarity or difference of the conditions of original and interpolated learning.

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