Antibiotics and Pustulocystic Acne

The management of acne is one of the most difficult problems with which the dermatologist is faced. The use of antibiotics 1-10 has in recent years lent itself to the advancement of our ability to cope with this annoying disease. It may well be time for us to reevaluate our use of the so-called usual adjuvants to see if they are as of as much value as we have previously thought them to be. To my knowledge the only other double-blind study done on the problem of antibiotics and acne was a shortterm report10 in which a chemotherapeutic agent was used with proved success. The following is a double-blind study of multiple antibiotics used over a long term with much local therapy omitted and some local therapy accentuated. Much has been written about the etiology of acne. No attempt will be made to review it here. An excellent review