Monte Carlo computer simulations have been carried out for fluid systems of 256 and 500 heteronuclear and homonuclear hard diatomic molecules, each consisting of fused hard spheres of diameters σAA and σBB with centers separated by distance L. Nineteen different models have been studied, with elongations L*=LAA in the range 0.05⩽L*⩽0.75, and diameter ratios γ=σBBAA in the range 0.5⩽γ⩽1.0. The atom–atom distribution functions gαβ(r), for these models are described in detail, and the discontinuities in their first derivatives at distances σαβ+L, predicted by cluster expansion theory, are shown to have a simple explanation in molecular geometry. Pressures have been calculated from a virial‐like equation and used to examine trends in pressure with changes in molecular geometry. Structure factors S (K) and direct correlation functions c (r) have been calculated by Fourier transform of the gαβ(r), and the dependence of these functions on molecular geometry has been examined.