Paramagnetic Resonance ofS-State Ions in Strontium Chloride

Paramagnetic resonance spectra have been observed of Mn2+, Gd3+, and Eu2+ in single crystals of strontium chloride grown from the melt. The Mn2+ shows a very small cubic-field splitting a<1×104 cm1 and a hyperfine structure constant of A=81.2×104 cm1, indicating some covalent bonding. The Gd3+ and Eu2+ have cubic symmetry with splitting parameters, for Gd3+: c=±(39.6±0.1)×104 cm1, d=(0.2±0.1)×104 cm1, g=1.9906±0.001; for Eu2+: c=(52±5)×104 cm1, A151=(34.5±0.3)×104 cm1, A153=(15.5±0.3)×104 cm1, g=1.995±0.001.