Coherent structures in rotating three-dimensional turbulence

Numerical simulations investigating the formation and stability of quasi-two-dimensional coherent vortices in rotating homogeneous three-dimensional flow are described. In a numerical study of shear flows Lesieur, Yanase & Métais (1991) found that cyclones (respectively anticyclones) with |ω2D| ∼ O(2Ω), where ω2D is the vorticity and Ω is the rotation rate, are stabilized (respectively destabilized) by the rotation. A study of triply periodic pseudo-spectral simulations (643) was undertaken in order to investigate the vorticity asymmetry in homogeneous turbulence. Specifically, we examine (i) the possible three-dimensionalization of initially two-dimensional vortices and (ii) the emergence of quasi-two-dimensional structures in initially-isotropic three-dimensional turbulence. Direct numerical simulations of the Navier—Stokes equations are compared with large-eddy simulations employing a subgridscale model based on the second-order velocity structure function evaluated at the grid separation and with simulations employing hyperviscosity.Isolated coherent two-dimensional vortices, obtained from a two-dimensional decay simulation, were superposed with a low-amplitude three-dimensional perturbation, and used to initialize the first set of simulations. With Ω = 0, a three-dimensionalization of all vortices was observed. This occurred first in the small scales in conjunction with the formation of longitudinal hairpin vortices with vorticity perpendicular to that of the initial quasi-two-dimensional flow. In agreement with centrifugal stability arguments, when 2Ω = [ω2D]rms a rapid destabilization of anticyclones was observed to occur, whereas the initial two-dimensional cyclonic vortices persisted throughout the simulation. At larger Ω, both cyclones and anticyclones remained two-dimensional, consistent with the Taylor—Proudman theorem. A second set of simulations starting from isotropic three-dimensional fields was initialized by allowing a random velocity field to evolve (Ω = 0) until maximum energy dissipation. When the simulations were continued with 2Ω = [ω · Ω]rms/Ω, the three-dimensional flow was observed to organize into two-dimensional cyclonic vortices. At larger Ω, two-dimensional anticyclones also emerged from the initially-isotropic flow. The consequences for a variety of industrial and geophysical applications are clear. For quasi-two-dimensional eddies whose characteristic circulation times are of the order ofder of Ω−1, rotation induces a complete disruption of anticyclonic vortices, while stabilizing cyclonic ones.

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