Low-Temperature Magnetic Susceptibility and Heat Capacity of GdAsO4

We report measurements obtained in zero applied magnetic field of the magnetic susceptibility and heat capacity of GdAsO4 in the temperature range 0.3-20 K. This material is antiferromagnetic below 1.262 K. A detailed comparison of the experimental results is made with those reported for the isomorphic compound GdVO4. The entropy and energy of GdAsO4 above and below the Néel temperature are in close agreement with the predictions of the Heisenberg model suggesting that the interactions are not only isotropic, but predominantly with the nearest neighbors as well. The magnetic measurements, on the other hand, indicate considerable anisotropy such that GdAsO4 does not undergo a spin-flop transition. Attempts to explain this discrepancy are given. We have derived a value of the exchange-interaction constant Jk0.04 K, assuming a coordination number of 4 where J is defined by the Hamiltonian H=2Σi<jJijSi·SjgμBΣiH0·Si.