Mescaline hydrochloride, glycyl-L-leucyl-mescaline-hydrochloride and glycyl-L-leucyl-mescaline bound on a colloidal blood plasma substitute (raw mixed polymerisate of N-vinyl-pyrrolidone and acrylic acid) were injected subcutaneously and intraperitoneally into white mice and the urine examined at regular intervals for basic excretion products. The injected substances contained equal amounts of mescaline (1.7 mg), so that the duration of mescaline excretion would be a comparable measure of the time that the biogenic amine remained in the mouse organism. For the first 2 substances named this was 16 hours although with subcutaneous injection of mescaline bound on the collidal blood plasma substitute mescaline was still found in 24 hour urine even after 17 days. These findings were considered with reference to pharmacology, pharmacy, biochemistry and psychiatry.