The Nutrition of Proteus morganii : Sulphur Requirements

-75 inorganic and organic sulfur compounds were tested for their ability to replace cystine in the nutrition of P. morganii. Although cystine supported the best growth in an otherwise chemically defined medium, 9 other compounds (cystine di-sulfoxide, lanthionine, homocystine, homocysteine, homo-cysteinethiolactone, one brand of methionine and methionine methylsulfonium iodide prepd. from this sample, Na sulfide, and Na pentasulfide) permitted fair growth in certain concs. 9 other compounds supported limited growth through 1 to 4 subcultures. 57 substances were found to be incapable of supporting growth, and of these, 15 were found to be inhibitory. P. morganii could be used for the microbiological assay of cystine, providing the other active S compounds were not present.