Coulomb Excitation withNe20Ions

Neon ions with energies ranging from 8 to 15 MeV have been obtained by the acceleration of doubly and triply charged ions in a 5.5-MV Van de Graaff. These projectiles have been used to study Coulomb excitation in 18 nuclei ranging from Li7 to Th232. In particular, the levels of Ti47, V51, Fe57, Ni61, Zn67, Ge73, and As75 were investigated. The spin of the 320-keV state of V51 is uniquely assigned as 52 and the mixing ratio, δ=(E2M1)12, is 0.52±.07. Strong evidence is found against previous assignments of 52 for the spin of the 184-keV state in Zn67. The yields and angular distributions of the gamma rays require spin assignments of 32 and ½ for the 184- and 93-keV states, respectively, in Zn67.