A multilayer iterative circuit computer (I.C.C.) is described, which is capable of dealing with problems involving spatial relationships between the variables, in addition to the inherent multiprogramming capabilities of this type of machine organization. Some of the novel features presented are: 1) A path-building method which retains the short-time access characteristic of the common bus system, while still permitting the simultaneous operation of several paths in the network without mutual interference. Furthermore, the connecting method allows communication between the modules in a one-to-one, one-to-many or many-to-many way. 2) A specialization in the functions of the individual layers, separating the flow of control signals from the flow of information. This step-by-step treatment of the instructions makes it possible to preinterpret them before the actual execution, thus permitting the inclusion of instructions acting from many-to-many operands. 3) Three-phase operation, with each phase active simultaneously in each layer, and operating on different instructions. Due to the overlapping of the phases in time, the total effective time per instructions remains the same. Once an instruction has been executed, the partially processed results are transferred to the next layer, and the now vacant layer starts the processing of the next instruction. The notable properties of the iterative structure are thus augmented by the inclusion of these features, resulting in a machine with iterative computational structure that includes a form of control or interpretation unit.

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