Sequence-Dependent Conformational Energy of DNA Derived from Molecular Dynamics Simulations: Toward Understanding the Indirect Readout Mechanism in Protein−DNA Recognition

Sequence dependence of DNA conformation plays a crucial role in its recognition by proteins and ligands. To clarify the relationship between sequence and conformation, it is necessary to quantify the conformational energy and specificity of DNA. Here, we make a systematic analysis of dodecamer DNA structures including all the 136 unique tetranucleotide sequences at the center by molecular dynamics simulations. Using a simplified conformational model with six parameters to describe the geometry of adjacent base pairs and harmonic potentials along these coordinates, we estimated the equilibrium conformational parameters and the harmonic potentials of mean force for the central base-pair steps from many trajectories of the simulations. This enabled us to estimate the conformational energy and the specificity for any given DNA sequence and structure. We tested our method by using sequence-structure threading to estimate the conformational energy and the Z-score as a measure of specificity for many B-DNA and A-DNA crystal structures. The average Z-scores were negative for both kinds of structures, indicating that the potential of mean force from the simulation is capable of predicting sequence specificity for the crystal structures and that it may be used to study the sequence specificity of both types of DNA. We also estimated the positional distribution of conformational energy and Z-score within DNA and showed that they are strongly position dependent. This analysis enabled us to identify particular conformations responsible for the specificity. The presented results will provide an insight into the mechanisms of DNA sequence recognition by proteins and ligands.