The use of hypochlorites for aerial disinfection

A commercial preparation of sodium hypochlorite dispersed in the form of a mist has been tested for germicidal action on bacteria suspended in the air.The relative merits of acid, neutral and alkaline solutions have been discussed.A maximum of efficiency dependent on dilution has been shown to exist, and experiments with water and glycerol as diluents have been performed.The value of hypochlorous acid gas and chlorine as aerial bactericides has been tested, and experimental evidence advanced to show that while these are to some extent effective as gases, the acid, at any rate, is more lethal in solution as a mist.Further evidence of the importance in aerial disinfection of size and evaporation rate of mist particles has been obtained.Objections have been raised to the proprietary use of the preparation on account of the liberation of chlorine, and its high salt content, but the necessity for the presence of a certain amount of salt has been shown.Decrease in germicidal activity of the mists when required to sterilize atomized salivas has been indicated.The active persistence of sodium hypochlorite mists has been shown to be short.A few notes on the use of ultra-violet light and nitration methods for combating aerial infections have been added.It was found that the greater part of a magnesium oxide smoke inhaled by mice was retained in the upper respiratory passages.