Mulching treatment for postfire soil conservation in a semiarid ecosystem

Fire may generate soil degradation and accelerate erosion processes, depending among other factors, on the regeneration capacity of the ecosystem. Conservation measures will be beneficial in those fragile systems where a high degradation hazard is estimated. Mulching treatment was evaluated in order to establish its efficiency in protecting soil and preventing runoff generation in a semiarid area affected by a wildfire. Straw mulch was applied at 200 g m‐2 in three replicated plots. Paired mulched and control plots were established in a three block experimental design. Runoff, sediment yield, plant cover, and dynamics of soil physical properties were measured in these plots over a 2‐year period. Most of the plant regeneration after the fire resulted from resprouting of the dry grassland species, dominated by Brachypodium retusum. Total plant cover was only 50% two years after passage of the fire. Runoff and sediment yield were significantly greater from control plots. Soil loss from control plots was about 7.2 times higher than the loss from mulched plots. Surface runoff showed similar differences. Mulching also reduced surface crusting and slightly stimulated vegetation growth.