Genetic control of endogenous C-type virus production in pancreatic acinar cells of C57BL/He and C57BL/6J mice.

Electron microscopy revealed very active production of C-type virus particles in the pancreatic acinar cells of untreated normal adult mice of the C57BL/He strain. In C57BL/6J mice, a similar picture was observed after a single intraperitoneal injection of dexamethasone. No viruses were observed in the pancreas of untreated or dexamethasone-treated BALB/c and C3Hf mice. F1 hybrids of both C57BL strains with C3Hf mice produced viruses in the same manner and quantity as the C57BL parents, whereas hybrids with BALB/c mice were entirely negative. Approximately 50% of mice of the first backcross generation of (BALB/c times C57BL/He)F1 hybrids with C57BL/He mice were active producers of C-type particles, while the other 50% were negative. It is suggested that a regulator gene that controls C-type virus production does not function in the pancreatic cells of either C57BL strain, and that BALB/c mice can provide hybrids with an active regulator.