The Scattering of One- to Three-Mev Protons by Helium

The scattering of protons of from one- to three-Mev energy by helium has been experimentally examined for the existence of resonance scattering analogous to the neutron-helium resonance observed for one-Mev neutrons by Staub and Stephens. If nn and pp nuclear forces are equal, such a resonance should occur in pHe scattering for protons of approximately two Mev. The number of protons scattered through 140° were observed as a function of their energy. This number passed through a maximum at two Mev as expected, but the sharpness and height of the maximum were several times less than for the nHe resonance. However, this greater width and lesser intensity can be qualitatively justified. The number of protons scattered through 76° did not show the presence of a resonance scattering as the energy was varied. Observations of the angular distribution of the scattered protons for angles of scattering between 30° and 140° for proton energies of 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5 and 3.0 Mev, respectively, have been obtained.