Macroalgal Population and Sustainability

Algal blooms, often associated with eutrophication, are common in temperate regions in coastal lagoons and estuarine areas as well as in open seas. However, because of recent changes in water flows and sediment and nutrient loads in most rivers, eutrophication phenomena are now occurring in areas previously non affected. One of its most widespread and easily recognized effects in a coastal marine ecosystem is the excessive growths and drifts of macroalgae, to such a degree that the biomass becomes a significant problem. The nutrients, notably from anthropogenic origin, constitute a significant factor in the appearance of the blooms in coastal waters. Besides a background originating from natural areas and precipitations, nutrients come from agriculture, sewage, industry, and aquaculture, in very various proportions following the local conditions. At first, the development of opportunist and tolerant seaweeds acts as a purifying system. Then, when the seaweed is stranded or the environmental condi...