Use of isozymes as chromosome markers in the isolation and characterization of wheat-barley chromosome addition lines

The alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (GOT), aminopeptidase (AMP), endopeptidase (EP), and esterase (EST) zymogram phenotypes of Chinese Spring wheat, Betzes barley, Chinese Spring-Betzes heptaploids, and a number of presumptive Betzes chromosome additions to Chinese Spring were determined. It was found that four disomic chromosome addition lines could be distinguished from one another and from the other three possible lines on the basis of the zymogram phenotypes of these isozymes.The structural gene Adh-H1 was located in Betzes chromosome 4, the genes Got-H2 and Amp-H1 in chromosome 6, and the gene Ep-H1 in chromosome 1. These gene locations provide evidence of homoeology between Betzes chromosomes 4, 6, and 1 and the Chinese Spring chromosomes of homoeologous groups 4, 6, and 7, respectively.