Simplified assessment of arterial graft patency using indium-labelled-platelet scintigraphy

Arterial grafts were studied with indium-III-labelled platelets in 13 patients (18 graft limbs) in the early post-implication period. Platelet thrombogenic activity was graded into four grades by visual inspection of the images, and scintigraphic criteria of impending graft occlusion were defined. Dacron and polytetrafluoroethylene grafts had similar high thrombogenic activity in comparison with autologous veins. Nine graft studies showed patterns of radioactivity concentration that suggested threatening thrombosis and eight of these eventually occluded. In nine other studies absent to moderate radiolabelled platelet activity was observed and none occluded within a mean follow-up period of 24 months. Prediction of graft occlusion of scintigraphic evaluation using the present simple non-invasive technique is valuable since corrective measures may be instituted earlier and with greater success in the post-operative follow-up period.