Various Regimens of Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole Used in the Treatment of Gonorrhea

The combination of trimethoprim (TMP) and sulfamethoxazole (SMZ) was used in a variety of regimens to treat 2,687 male and female patients with gonorrhea. Large doses given over short periods gave good results, the best two regimens being four tablets twice daily for two days (98% cure) and five tablets twice on the first day and once on the second day (96.7% cure). The poorest results (82.5 % cure) came from a regimen of one tablet four times daily for five days. Most of the patients who failed to respond were infected with strains that had MICs of TMP of ⩾50 µg/ml, and MICs of TMP-SMZ (l :20) of ⩾4 µg/ml. Side effects were infrequent and usually gastrointestinal. The drug had no effect on concurrent syphilis in three patients.