The psychic symptoms of anorexia nervosa resemble the emotional reactions of a spoiled child: loss of morale; loss of pride as evidenced by subterfuges, unsound excuses and explanations regarding symptoms; apathy; reticence; paucity of ideas and negativistic tendencies. The somatic symptoms consist of marked loss of wt. with the appearance of age, pallor without anemia, in some instances hairiness of the arms and legs, dryness of the hair and skin, intolerance to cold with cold hands and feet, low blood pressure and a slow pulse rate. Most of the patients are women less than 30 yrs. old. Berkman''s first step in treatment is a frank explanation to the patient of the cause of the inanition. The patient is given a high protein, high vit. diet of 300 calories more than her previous caloric intake. Every 5 or 6 days the diet is increased by another 300 calories until it is approx. 3,400 or 3,600 calories.