A summary account is given here of some of the most characteristic behaviour-patterns illustrated in my film from southern Sweden, which was shown at the Symposium. Figure 1 gives a survey of the main postures of the cocks on the arena. The non-displaying cock (1) has a spool-shaped body and the feathers lie close together over it. The hissing posture (2) is one of the most common attitudes of displaying cocks, in which the head is stretched forward, the neck is thin, and from the open bill the hissing call, rendering ‘choo-icht’, is uttered. While doing this, the cock usually flaps his wings; often he makes a short jump into the air, alighting with his head in another direction. The flutter-jump (3) is a conspicuous action. The cocks jump about 5 feet up into the air, often alighting 50 to 60 feet away, fluttering their wings violently, and uttering hoarse hissings. hissings.