A hydrogen electrode apparatus for soils is described. Similar or adjacent soils may show considerable differences inpH value, with no changes in their degrees of buffer action, as shown in titration curves with lime water. In such cases the conventional “lime requirements” are correlated with thepH values, but no such relation holds in dissimilar soils. ThepH value of a soil suspension is intimately connected with the nature and amount of the cations present. Neutral salts markedly increase the hydrogen ion concentration of both acid and slightly alkaline soils. Sodium salts, including the hydroxide, give lower hydrogenion concentrations than the corresponding potassium or calcium salts, and chlorides give lowerpH values than sulphates. The degree of buffer action (slope of titration curve) is unaffected by the addition of a neutral salt. Previous extraction of a soil with water causes a considerable increase i n thepH value of its suspensions. A number of soils showed a regular increase of about 0·1 inpH. value for twofold dilution. The “salt effect” and “dilution” effect appear to be of the same type. It is recommended that the soil-water ratio of 1:5 be generally adopted. The indicator methyl red gives erroneouspH values in turbid soil suspensions owing to the absorption of the red form, which is apparently a cation capable of undergoing “base exchange” with the soil.