Level Structure inEu145

Levels in Eu145 were investigated by the Sm144(He3, d) reaction and by the decay of 25-min Gd145. At the He3 energy used, i.e., 40.33 MeV, the angular distributions for the stripping reaction were found to be highly structured. This fact permitted reliable assignments of transferred orbital angular momenta to the residual levels. Singles γ-ray spectra for the decay of Gd145 were measured with a 20-cm3 Ge(Li) detector. The two sets of experimental data were then used to propose the following sequence of Eu145 levels: 0 (52+), 330.1 (72+), 716 (112), 808.4 (½+), 1041.9 (32+), 1599.9 (72+), 1757.9 (32+), 1844.7 (32, 52+), 1880.6 (½, 32+), 2112.0 (32, 52+), and a (½+), (32, 52+) doublet at ∼ 2480 keV. The salient features of this level scheme are that (1) the (He3, d) reaction predominantly populates the first five energy levels, and (2) the decay from Gd145...