Experimental Study of the DecayKL0→π+e+ν

A wide-gap magnetic-field spark chamber spectrometer has been used to measure the pion-energy dependence of the form factor f+ in KL0π±+e+νe decay (Ke30). Decays of neutral particles were detected in the 13° beam of the Princeton-Pennsylvania Accelerator, and Ke30 decays were identified by kinematical reconstruction, time-of-flight, and by electromagnetic showers in Cerenkov shower counters. The distribution of events according to their pion energy in the KL0 rest frame was used to determine the energy-dependence parameter λ in the form factor f+(q2)=f+(0)(1+λq2mπ2), where q2=MK2+mπ22EπMK. Based on a comparison of the data with the distribution of a Monte Carlo sample of events generated with constant form factor, λ was determined to be λ=+0.020±0.013. The data are consistent with the single-particle-dominance model, where the intermediate state is the K*(890). The results, taken together with the value of λ in Ke3+ decay are consistent with the predictions of the |ΔI|=12 rule in semileptonic decays.