Equivalence Between Four-Fermion and Yukawa Coupling, and theZ3=0Condition for Composite Bosons

The principal objective of the present work is the derivation of conditions for equivalence (A) between a four-Fermi theory with pseudoscalar coupling and a Yukawa theory with pseudoscalar bosons, and (B) in the corresponding vector case. In general, two conditions are found to be both necessary and sufficient. The first is a condition for the existence of an appropriate boson bound state in the four-Fermi theory. The second condition is that the boson wave function renormalization constant Z3 in the Yukawa theory be equal to zero. We first derive our results by consideration of fermion-fermion scattering in the chain approximation, and proceed afterwards to prove them valid to all orders in perturbation theory. We also discuss the degenerate vacuum theories of Nambu and Jona-Lasinio and of Bjorken in the chain approximation. In each of these four-Fermi theories, the existence of boson bound states (massless pseudoscalar and massive scalar bosons in the former case, massless vector bosons in the latter) follows automatically from self-consistency conditions. Hence to have equivalence to Yukawa theories in which the bosons are described by elementary fields, we need only impose the Z3=0 conditions on the Yukawa theories. Finally, we comment on Birula's theory of quantum electrodynamics without electromagnetic field. It is to be stressed that we deal throughout with full-scale relativistic field theories of physical consequence.