Neutron Captureγ-Rays from Fluorine, Sodium, Magnesium, Aluminum, and Silicon

The energies and the absolute intensities of the γ-rays produced by neutron capture in fluorine, sodium, magnesium, aluminum, and silicon have been measured with the aid of a pair spectrometer. Direct transitions to the ground states of the product nuclei are predominant in the γ-ray spectra of fluorine and aluminum. The neutron binding energy in F20 is 6.63±0.03 Mev and in Al28, 7.724±0.010 Mev. The γ-ray representing the direct transition to the ground state of Na24 was not detected. The interpretation of the magnesium spectrum presents some difficulties. A weak γ-ray with the binding energy of a neutron in Mg25 was detected, but none could be found to correspond to the direct transition to the ground state in Mg26. In silicon, most captures are due to Si28 which produces Si29 by the emission of two γ-rays in cascade. Very weak γ-rays representing direct transitions to the ground states in Si29 and Si30 were detected. Their energies are 8.51±0.04 (Si29) and 10.55±0.05 Mev (Si30).

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