A class of gauge theories is discussed in which the ΔS=0 and the ΔS=1 semileptonic decays are mediated by distinct intermediate bosons, whose mass ratio is related to the Cabibbo angle θ. Common features of the models are as follows: θ is well defined only as the result of spontaneous symmetry breaking; μ decay and the semileptonic ΔS=0, ΔS=1 decays are in the ratio 1:cos2θ:sin2θ only if CP is maximally violated in the lepton sector; a breakdown of μe universality related to CP violation; a superweak impact of CP violation on K decays; the mediation through a neutral vector boson of nonleptonic decays which obey |ΔI|=12; and an amplitude O(G) for νμe scattering. Two distinct types of theories are discussed in detail. (a) The gauge group O(4) reported before. Here the CP-violating parameter needs a renormalization. To O(G), νμ-nucleon reactions are possible only if a heavy lepton is produced. (b) O(4)×G, where left- [right-] handed fermions are in O(4) [G] but scalar with respect to G [O(4)]. Here the CP-violating parameter can be made finite if a constraint between electron and muon multiplets is satisfied. Further consequences for case (b) are: the ν¯ee and νee elastic cross sections are (1+sin2|θ|) times their respective VA values, and νμ-nucleon reactions are possible with or without production of a heavy lepton. However, the final hadronic state is necessarily "charmed." The example G=U(1) is discussed in detail. The role of discrete symmetries is emphasized.