Experiments on Sexual Isolation in Drosophila

Results obtained by placing D. persimilis [male][male] with varying proportions of D. persimilis and D. pseudoobscura [female][female] admit of the hypothesis that the ratio of the probability of a heterogamic mating to the probability of a homogamic mating is a fixed constant independent of these proportions. However, the possibility of some decrease in this ratio when many D. persimilis [female][female] are present cannot be rejected. Because of small numbers of heterogamic mat-ings, similar expts. with 2 strains of D. prosaltans furnish little evidence on this point. For D. persimilis[long dash]D. pseudoobscura, heterogamic matings are significantly more frequent in vials containing 10 [female][female] of each of the 2 spp. than in vials containing 10 alien [female][female] only, while for D. prosaltans they are significantly less frequent.