Interaction of High-Energy Protons with Indium

Indium was bombarded with protons ranging in energy from 1.0 to 6.2 Bev. Reactions of the type (p, pxn), (p, 2pxn), (p, p), and (p, pπ+) that produce isotopes of indium and cadmium were investigated. The excitation functions are constant within experimental error in this energy region with possible exceptions for Cd115 and In115m at 1.0 Bev. These results are compared with two types of calculation. In one treatment, the nucleus is considered to be a degenerate Fermi gas of nucleons. The cross sections that were calculated with this nuclear model at 2 Bev are much smaller than the experimental values. There is good agreement at 1 Bev for nuclides with mass number less than 113. The second treatment takes into account the shell structure of In115. The latter calculation for the (p, pn) reaction was in good agreement with the experimental results at 4.1 and 6.2 Bev. The comparison of the experimental results with the calculated values is discussed in terms of the adequacy of the calculations.