3 substances, B1, B2, and E1 were isolated from culture medium extracts ofAureobasidium pullulans by reversed phase liquid chromatography and subsequent liquid chromatographic purification steps on silica gel. The 3 compounds inhibited the metabolism ofSaccharomyces cerevisiae and showed toxic effects in the growth inhibition test toEscherichia coli andBacillus subtilis. Elementary analysis and mass spectroscopical methods revealed sum formulas of C23H22O6, C22H20O6 and C24H28O3 for B1 B2, and E1 and molecular weights of 394, 380, and 364, respectively. Mass spectroscopical, UV-, IR-,13C-NMR, and1H-NMR-spectroscopical investigations revealed polycyclic, non-aromatic compounds containing several carbonyl functions and double bonds and, most notably, spiroepoxy-functions, in the case of B1 and B2.