Middle cerebral artery occlusion in rats studied by magnetic resonance imaging.

Ischemia due to middle cerebral artery occlusion was studied in 29 rats from 1 to 24 hours after occlusion using magnetic resonance imaging. Images were made before and after the injection of a superparamagnetic iron oxide compound, AMI-25. Subtraction images demonstrated the region of perfusion deficit as early as 1 hour after occlusion, earlier than conventional T2-weighted images. The area of altered perfusion detected by this technique (subtraction imaging after AMI-25 administration) correlated with that demonstrated by iodoantipyrine autoradiography. Since this magnetic resonance technique can be used to serially estimate the location and size of the ischemic area, the technique can be an important adjunct to metabolic studies of focal ischemia using magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The technique may have clinical applications as well.