Excitation functions for (p,n) reactions to 25 MeV onCu63,Cu65, andAg107

Absolute cross sections for the (p,n) reactions on Cu63, Cu65, and Ag107 at proton energies from 2.5 to 25 MeV were determined by the activation method. Metal foil targets of natural isotopic abundance were used; therefore, the results for Zn63 above 22.3 MeV and for Cd107 above 18.8 MeV include contributions from (p,3n) reactions. Beam intensities were measured with a Faraday cup. Disintegration rates of the product nuclei were determined by assaying their γ rays with calibrated Ge(Li) detector systems. Comparisons of the present cross sections are made with a complete compilation of previous measurements and with calculations based on a Monte Carlo intranuclear-cascade-statistical-evaporation model. Half-lives for Zn63 and Cd107 were determined to be 38.0 ± 0.1 min and 6.50 ± 0.02 h, respectively.