In two previous papers,1,2 we surveyed the topics, sources, and sites of the research abstracts associated with the annual Atlantic City "Spring Meetings," during 1953-1965, of three leading organizations devoted to "clinical investigation." For statistical convenience, the temporal span of the papers was divided into four "triads," each containing an interval of three years, from 1953-1955 through 1962-1964. The analysis demonstrated that the proportion of "clinical" topics in the research—as manifested by papers that were either patient-centered, disease-oriented, or concerned with human material—had progressively declined during the twelve years of those four triads, concomitant with a progressive increase in the proportion of "basic" investigations whose material was neither human nor diseased. The activities of the year 1965, although categorized and coded for that survey, were not subjected to intensive analysis because they did not fit into the "triad" arrangement. With the completion of the national meetings of 1966 and