The Rate of Reproduction of Entamoeba histolytica in Microcultures from Inocula of Single Trophozoites in Cell-Free Medium Prepared from Embryos of the Chick

The rate of reproduction of E. histolytica in this medium is dependent on the number and condition of small particles resembling mitochondria, and on the presence of horse serum. No associated organisms are present but the particles retain some metabolic activity. Heating (56[degree] for 15 min.) the particles destroys their growth-promoting activity which may be partially recovered by suitable supplements. Similar treatment of the horse serum has no effect on growth. Dialysis of the serum removes factors for growth which may be replaced by a mixture of vitamins. Fluoride, arsenate, cyanide, ethylenediamine-tetraacetate, and pentachlorophenol completely inhibit growth.