In the dung of mammals (elephant, black rhinoceros, Masai giraffe, eland, Thomson''s gazelle, impalla, civet cat, Turu natives, and cattle) and birds (Turucu, bulbul, and turtle dove) seeds of the following were found: Acacia (3 spp.), Adansonia digitata, Albizzia hypoleuca, Blepharis acanthodioides, Balanites (2 spp.), Borassus flabellifer, Cassia (2 spp.), Commiphora ugogensis, Ficus sycomorus, Grewia (5 spp.), Randia taylorii, Royena macrocalyx, Sclerocarya birrea v. multijoliolata, Solarium renschii, Strychnos (2 spp.), Tamarindus indicus, Uvaria sp., Vitex iringensis, and Zizyphus mucronatus. Up to the time of writing, only the following seeds from droppings had germinated: Balanites aegyptiaca, Cassia abbreviates, and Royena macrocalyx.