A review of the literature reveals only an occasional reference to a report of the occurrence of urinary calculi in association with various bone diseases. However, within recent years an increased interest has been manifested in the relation of urinary lithiasis to bone diseases. The World War offered an opportunity to study the effect of suppurative bone lesions (Paul, W. Weber, E. Joseph) and gunshot wounds of the vertebral column (Benda) on calculus formation in the kidneys. W. Weber has recently reported 9 cases and Barr and Charles 7 cases of urinary calculi in association with various bone diseases, i. e., osteomyelitis, vertebral fractures, arthritis, coxitis, tuberculosis of the spine, rickets, fractures, etc. With the exception of the article by Barr and Charles, the American contributions to the subject of urinary calculi in cases of bone diseases are limited to reports of single cases by various writers, including O'Conor, Harper,