The effect on rabbits following a single intraven. injn. of varying amt. of bovine gamma globulin was compared by measurement of the serum complement level, the antibody titer, and the glomerulitis induced. In animals receiving 0.25 g. to 1 g. per kg. a glomerulitis was usually found at sacrifice at 2 weeks. At 8-10 days after injn. the serum complement was transiently depressed. This was associated with the appearance of circulating antibody. Animals given 0.125 g. to 0.03 g. per kg. failed to show similar changes. The frequency of the histological changes was the same whether the animals were sacrificed at the time that antibody was first discernible or up to 6 days later. Detn. of antibody N failed to show any correlation between antibody titer and the occurrence of lesions in the glomeruli.