Electrical Resistance of Resting and Secreting Stomach

The potential difference across the chambered gastric segment was measured before, during and after exposure to small direct currents. With 0.16 [image] HC1 or 0.16 [image] NaCl in contact with the mucosal surface, the electrical resistance decreased with the onset of secretion. The avg. % decrease with 0.16 [image] NaCl as the mucosal fluid was 22.4 (S. D. [plus or minus] 3.8) and with 0.16 [image] HC1 it was 12.5 (S. D. [plus or minus] 1.6.). The avg. resistance of the secreting stomach was 12.1 ohms (S. D. [plus or minus] 1.03) for 0.16 [image] NaCl and 12.9 ohms (S. D. [plus or minus] 2.08) for 0.16 [image] HC1 per portion of stomach in chamber (area equaled 17.6 cm., avg. wet wt. equaled 12.5 g.). Theories of HC1 formation are related to these observations.