In Aplysia periodic spontaneous gill movements are controlled by activity endogenous to the abdominal ganglion. These movements were still observed when only the ctenidio-genital nerve was left intact between the ganglion and the gill. One kind of spontaneous gill movement (one per 5 minutes at 15°C) was correlated with the expression of activity of interneuron II; others were not. With reference to this kind of spontaneous gill movement, four types of central neurons in the ganglion send processes to the gill via the nerve. Two cell types (ii, iii) are inhibited and the other two (i, iv) are excited. Two types (i, ii) elicited gill movement—one type activating large gill areas elicited spontaneous gill movements, and the other activating specific gill regions did not participate in the spontaneous gill movements. The value of this preparation in studying the role of central neurons eliciting specific patterned movements and the temporal organization of their activity is shown.