Spin Polarization of Photoelectrons from Cesiated Fe, Co, and Ni

The electron-spin polarization (ESP) of photoelectrons from cesiated Fe, Co, and Ni films has been measured for photon energies hν<6 eV at 4.2°K. The photo-ESP was positive (magnetic moment parallel to the magnetization) independently of Cs coverage and photon energy. For Ni and Co and coverage parameters θ near to 1 (monoatomic layer) the photo-ESP approaches 0 at photon energies near the photothreshold Φ. However with Fe, the photo-ESP is rather independent of θ, even for hν approaching Φ. At higher photon energies a common trend of the spectra is observed: The photo-ESP approaches the average polarization P=nBn with photon energies exceeding Φ only by 2 to 3 eV, which correlates with the d bandwidth observed in recent ultraviolet photoemission and x-ray photoemission spectroscopy.