The Angular Distributions of the Products of the D - D Reaction: 1 to 3.5 Mev

Cross sections per unit solid angle for the reactions H2+H2He3+n and H2+H2H1+H3 have been measured at various angles for incident deuterons of energies from 1 to 3.5 Mev. The dependence of the cross sections on angle is nearly the same for the two reactions, and it can be represented by an expression of the form A(1+Bcos2φ+Ccos4φ), where φ is the angle of observation in the center of mass coordinate system. A increases from 4×1027 cm2 at 1 Mev to 6×1027 cm2 at 3.5 Mev; B decreases from approximately 1 at 1 Mev to -3.5 at 3.5 Mev; C increases from 1.5 at 1 Mev to 7 at 3.5 Mev. The total cross sections for the two reactions are approximately constant at 1025 cm2 throughout this energy range.