The differential cross section (dσdEdΩ2) for the D(p,2p) reaction at proton laboratory energies of 20, 45, and 100 MeV is calculated in an exactly soluble model of the three-nucleon system. The model is essentially that of Aaron, Amado, and Yam with the exception that the spin-dependent S-wave separable two-nucleon scattering amplitude is modified to fit two-nucleon elastic scattering data at energies above 20 MeV. The coupled integral equations for the model three-nucleon system are solved iteratively, so that the Faddeev-Watson nuclear multiple-scattering series is generated. The multiple-scattering series, itself, is found to diverge at all energies below 100 MeV. The diagonal Padé approximates, which converge quite rapidly, are employed to sum the series. The results of the calculations are in reasonable agreement with experiment.