Measurements of the specific heat of quinolinium(TCNQ)2 (quinolinium di-tetracyanoquinodimethanide) are reported for the temperature range 0.07<T<5 K and magnetic field range 0<H<20 kOe. The results do not fit a model in which the magnetic contribution to the specific heat CH is that of a regular antiferromagnetic chain, a quarter-filled band, or isolated magnetic impurities. A good fit to the data is obtained using the Bulaevskii model for a random-exchange Heisenberg chain with a density of states having the form ρ(ε)=Akα1|ε|α, where ε is the quasiparticle energy and A and α are parameters chosen to fit the data. For the sample used, a good fit is obtained using A=(1.03±0.11)×103 Kα1 and α=0.82±0.01.