Intestinal absorption using vibration-obtained individual small bowel epithelial cells of the rat: folate absorption

Suspensions of individual rat small bowel epithelial cells were obtained by a vibration method and used for in vitro study of factors affecting 3HPGA uptake. Each incubation flask contained approximately 106 cells. Quantity of 3HPGA in each flask ranged from 0.28 to 25 ng. Uptake was pH-dependent, being lowest at pH 6.6 to 6.8, and greatest at pH 4 to 5 and 7.1 to 7.6. Uptake was markedly enhanced by glucose in cells from the upper but not from the lower half of the small bowel. Much more 3HPGA was taken up by individual cells from the upper than from the lower half of the small bowel. Uptake was reduced by diphenylhydantoin; this effect was more striking in the presence than in the absence of glucose. These results are similar to those obtained by others using more elaborate in vitro and in vivo methodology, and suggest that vibration-obtained intestinal cells may be used to rapidly provide information regarding factors affecting absorption, which can subsequently be tested by more elaborate methods.